The following electronic published articles are accepted to be included the Journal soon. You can read them before the Journal is published, as an extra service for members. Be aware that right now, any individual article posted before printing may look substantially different in the printed edition and the issue number is only an indication. Be sure to be a follower of our facebook page to be noticed of new articles published online. If you see any typos before printing, please contact the Editor. You have to login first, to have access to the PDF files, click here.
- 66(1)6-19 Re-establishment of Sincoraea (Bromeliaceae) - Rafael Louzada and Maria Wanderley
- 66(1)1-6 Aechmea paniculata a large, but not very well known, species from Amazonian Peru - Eric and Renate Gouda
- 66(1)26-33. The use of epiphytic Bromeliads by Ateles geoffroyi Kuhl (Primates, Mammalia) in Chiapas, Mexico - Nayeli Gomez-Escamilla et al.
- 66(1)41-45 Aechmea 'Snaakse Ding' - Lyn Wegner
- 66(1)56-59 Spotting in Billbergia leaves - Alan Herndon
- 66(1)7-10 Tillandsia usneoides 'Odin`s Genuina' - Maarten van der Meer
- 66(2)1 A few Conference memories - Lyn Wegner
- 66(2)2 The Search for Irish Bromeliads - Jay Thurrott
- 66(2)3 Notes on the floral biology, seed morphology and post-seminal development of Vriesea minarum L.B.Sm., an endangered Bromeliaceae of Southeastern Brazil - Pàmela Lavor et al.
- 66(2)4 A new species of Cipuropsis, and some remarks about this recently resurrected genu - Eric J. Gouda
- 66(2)5 Spots in Neoregelia - Alan Herndon
- 66(2)6 In Honour of Franz Georg Gruber (Part 1) In search of a very special bromeliad Goudaea ospinae var. gruberi Luther - Peter Tristram
- 66(2)7 2018 World Bromeliad Conference - Scott Sandel
- 66(3)4 My Pretoria Garden - Christo van Wijk
- 66(3) Bromeliad Systematics - Stepping Back to move Forward - Gregory K. Brown
- 67(2)107-118 Tillandsioideae Safari in Ecuador - 2 - José M. Manzanares
- 67(2)120-124 Some observation on flowering behavior of Aechmea gamosepala in cultivation - Alan Herndon
- 67(2)68-71 The year of the BSI WBC in San Diego at Paradise Point Resort ! - Nancy Groves
- 67(2)72-83 Distribution Of Puya loca Near Bogota, Colombia - Adriana Pico-Villalobos
- 67(2)84-91 Bromelia pinguin L. a valuable natural resource in - Carlos Arzaba-Villalba et al
- 67(2)92-106 Notes from the 2017 Sunny Broms Conference - Peter Cook
- 67(3)132-136 2018 World Bromeliad Conference in San Diego - Nancy Groves, Co-Chair WBC 2018
- 67(3)137-156 Bromeliads - Texas Style - Steve Reynolds, WBC 2016 Conference Chair
- 67(3)157-173 Tillandsioideae Safari in Ecuador - 3 - José M. Manzanares
- 67(3)174-178 Getting the BSI Journal back up-to-date - Graeme Barclay, Assistant Editor
- 67(3)179-184 Putting those Tillandsia roots to work - Jim Georgusis
- 67(3)185-188 Notes on the Flowering Behavior of Orthophytum sucrei - Alan Herndon
- 68(3) A New Species of Racinaea (Tillandsioideae - Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador - José Manzanares
- 68(3) Notes on the Androlepis Alliance, a lineage of Bromelioideae - Ramirez et al.
- 68(3) The Floridian Fasciculata - Dennis Cathcart
- 68(3)105-168 World Bromeliad Conference 2018, San Diego - Part 1 - Juliana Raposo
- 68(3)171-178 Notes and photos from the Bromeliad Society of New Zealand s annual Fiesta Show and Sale, 2018 - Graeme Barclay
- 68(4)196-201 Pitcairnia orchidifolia a nice, small and easy species worth growing - Eric Gouda
- 68(4)202-205 Guzmania bicolor L.B.Sm. vs. Guzmania gracilior (Andre) Mez - Eric Gouda
- 68(4)206-224 South-West Colombia is open for Visitors - Bruce Dunstan
- 68(4)230-235 Eric J. Gouda, 2018 Recipient of the BSI's Wally Berg - Theresa M. Bert, Geoff Lawn, and Lyn Wegner
- 68(4)236-253 World Bromeliad Conference 2018, San Diego - Part 2 - Juliana Raposo
- 69(1) First description of the nocturnal flowers of - Cascante M. et al.
- 69(2b pp. 6) Guzmania bismarckii Rauh vs. Guzmania lindenii (Andre) Mez - Eric J. Gouda
- 69(2c pp. 5) Airplant Aerialists on the High-Wire - Bruce Holst
- 69(pp.10) Natural hybrids of Tillandsia argentina - Eric Gouda
- 69(3)1-6 A study of Aechmea longicuspis versus Aechmea kuntzeana - Eric Gouda
- 70(435)1-7 Some Notes on the Spectacular Guzmania testudinis - Eric Gouda
Accessed from 12-03-2018 [30106x]
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(c) 2025 The Bromeliad Society International, All Rights Reserved.
All images copyrighted BSI or their respective owners.