- agavifolia
- alsodes
- alta
- amplifolia
- antiacantha
- araujoi
- arenaria
- arubaiensis
- auriculata
- balansae
- - forma balansae
- - var. tricolor
- - forma tricolor
- binotii
- braunii
- charlesii
- chrysantha
- dilatata
- eitenorum
- epiphytica
- estevesii
- exigua
- ferox
- flemingii
- fosteriana
- fragilis
- glaziovii
- goeldiana
- goyazensis
- gracilisepala
- grandiflora
- granvillei
- gurkeniana
- - var. funchiana
- hemisphaerica
- hieronymi
- horstii
- humilis
- ignaciana
- interior
- irwinii
- karatas
- laciniosa
- lagopus
- legrellae
- lindevaldae
- longipedicelata
- macedoi
- magnifica
- michaelii
- minima
- morreniana
- neotenuifolia
- niduspuellae
- oliveirae
- palmeri
- pinguin
- poeppigii
- redoutei
- regnellii
- reversacantha
- richardii
- rondoniana
- rosea
- scarlatina
- serra
- - forma serra
- stellata
- superba
- superficialis
- sylvicola
- tarapotina
- tocantinense
- trianae
- tubulosa
- unaensis
- villosa
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Genus: BromeliaBromelia is the type genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae. Bromelia species are widespread across much of Latin America and the West Indies and are characterized by flowers with a deeply cleft calyx. The genus is named after the Swedish medical doctor and botanist, Olof Bromelius (1639-1705).Number of accepted species in this genus is 72 (source: species counts in the Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads). |
![]() Bromelia agavifolia Photo by Peter Tristram |
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