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Genus: Rokautskyia

Rokautskyia is a genus of the subfamily Bromelioideae. It was accepted after a study and taxonomic revision of the Cryptanthoid Group, with species reclassified from the genus Cryptanthus. (Leme, Heller & Zizka. 2017. Phytotaxa 318(1): 001-088). It is named for Brazilian plantsman Roberto Kautskyi, with all known species native to Espirito Santo State in Brazil, where they grow as terrestrials or saxicoles in forested areas.

Number of accepted species in this genus is 14 (source: species counts in the Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads).
Rokautskyia latifolia Photo by Elton Leme

  • Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
  • The New Taxon List
  • Wikipedia
  • Google images