Established in 1950


  • Andre, E. Bromeliaceae Andreanae, Description Et Historie De Bromeliacees. Librarie Agricole, Paris 1889. In French. A few nice plates, good historical perspective.
  • Andre, E. Bromeliaceae andreanae: an accounting of his explorations & collections in Colombia, Ecuador, & Venezuela. 1840-1911. / Pacifica, (Calif.) 1983 a reprint of the above done in English by Michael Rothenberg and the Big Bridge Press, Pacifica, California 1983.
  • Baensch, Ulrich Blooming bromeliads / Ulrich Baensch, Ursula Baensch; taxonomic consultants Harry E. Luther, Robert W. Read. Original ed. Nassau, Bahamas : Tropic Beauty Publishers, <1994> 270 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm
  • Baker, John Gilbert (1834-1920) Handbook of the Bromeliaceae, by J. G. Baker. Repr. [d.Ausg.] London, Bell, 1889. Lehre: Cramer; Codicote (Herts.): Wheldon and Wesley; New York (N.Y.): Stechert-Hafner, 1972.
  • Beadle, Don A A Preliminary Listing of All the Known Cultivar and Grex Names for the Bromeliaceae. Compiled for The Bromeliad Society, Inc. June, 1991.
  • Benzing, David H.; The Biology Of The Bromeliads, Mad River Press, Eureka California 1980. 305 Pages. A scholarly work with great botanical content and just enough tidbits to keep the hobbyist involved.
  • Benzing, David H.; Bromeliaceae – Profile of an Adaptive Radiation, 28 pages of b/w photos, 86 line diagrams, 56 tables. 708 pages, 6″ x 9″, hardbound.
  • Castellanos, Alberto, Farinosae, Vol III of the series Genera Et Species Plantarum Argentinarum, Apud Guillermo Kraft, Argentina 1945. The single most incredible book in existence on the subject of Bromeliads. 382 pages, 57 water color plates, 11 maps, 90 black and white drawings, 56 photographs. Color plates are life size and perfect. Book has sold at auction for $4000.
  • Cowan, Richard S. Rutaceae of the Guayana Highland / R.S. Cowan. Bromeliaceae of the Guayana Highland / L.B. Smith.Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland / C. Schweinfurth. Bronx, N.Y. : New York Botanical Garden, 1967. 214 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. Series: Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden ; v. 14, no. 3
  • Duval, Leon; The Bromeliads, Edited by Rothenberg and Read Big Bridge Press, Pacifica California, 1990. A reprint, in English of Duval’s 1896 work with commentary by the editors.
  • Foster, Mulford Bateman 1888, with The Bromeliad Society. Bromeliads, A Cultural Handbook. 64 p. illus. 24 cm.
  • Foster, Mulford and Racine; Brazil, Orchid Of The Tropics, Jaques Cattell Press, Lancaster PA, USA, 1945. Hardbound, 314 Pages. An Incredible travelogue account of Foster’s early travels in Brazil. Largely concerned with hunting down the plants that were to become the cornerstones of bromeliad collections of the US, not to mention the Herbarium work of Lyman B. Smith.
  • Gilmartin, Amy Jean The Bromeliaceae Of Ecuador; Strauss and Cramer, Leutershausen 1972. Soft bound 255 pages 104 plates.
  • Graf, Dr. A.B. Exotic House Plants, Rohers Company, East Rutherford, N.J. 1976. Hard bound, 176 pages. A mini houseplant encyclopedia. Hard bound. 1200 illustrations, not all that many of broms.
  • ________Exotica, Roehrs Company, East Rutherford, N.J. 1976. 1835 pages 70 on broms. Mostly black and white, some color encyclopedia of tropical and sub-tropical plants. Good representation of brom species.
  • Gorts – van Rijn, A.R.A. Flora Of The Guianas; Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, Germany, 1987. Softbound 112 pages with some color photos. Scholarly, yet with some appeal to the hobbyist. Very interesting maps.
  • Isley, Paul T., III Genus Tillandsia, Gardena California, 1977. Soft bound pamphlet.
  • Isley, Paul T., III Tillandsia, Botanical Press, Gardena, CA, 1987. Great color photos of selected Tillandsia species, extensively researched descriptions.
  • Kiff, Lloyd F. A Distributional Check-List Of The Genus Tillandsia. Botanical Diversions, Encino CA 1991. 93 pages, soft bound listing of tillandsia by species and synonyms and according to country of origin.
  • Kramer, Jack Bromeliads, The Colorful House Plants, Litton Educational Publishing, New York 1976. A softbound reprint of Kramer’s 1965 book of the same title.
  • Kramer, Jack Bromeliads, Harper and Row, New York, 1981. Numerous cultural hints, ample descriptions, selection guides and glossary.
  • Kristek, Jaroslav and Dusek, Jindra Bromelie, Academia nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske akademie ved, Prague 1978. 104 pages hard bound in Czech, good drawings and color photos.
  • Lea, Tony The Beauty Of Bromeliads, Caloundra, Queensland, 34 pages, 7½” x 9½”, staplebound, Tatalkon, 1984.
  • van Leerdam, A. R. J. Zagt, and E. J. Veneklaas. The distribution of epiphyte growth-forms in the canopy of a Columbian cloud-forest. 1990. Vegetatio 87: 59-71.
  • Leme, Elton M. C., and Marigo, Luiz Claudio (Photographs) Bromeliads In The Brazilian Wilderness, Marigo Comunicacao, Rio de Janeiro, 1993. Hard bound, 183 pages of fabulous photos of Brazilian species and related fauna and geography and geology. Available in both English and Portugese.
  • Leme, Elton M. C., Nidularium: Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest (Brazil), Hard cover, dust jacket. 264 pp. Photos (232 color, 48 b/w). 2000, GMT Editores, Ltd.
  • Leme, Elton M. C., Canistropsis – Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest (Brazil), Hard cover, color dust jacket. 143 pp. 1998. Salamandra. GMT Editores Ltda, Brazil. 9½” x 12″. Photos and sketches (100 color and b&w) include electron microscope photos of stigma morphology.
  • Leme, Elton M. C., Canistrum – Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest (Brazil), Hard cover, color dust jacket. 107 pp. 1997. Salamandra. GMT Editores Ltda, Brazil. 9½” x 12″. Out of Print.
  • Lukscheiterovi, Antonin & Ondrej, Tillandsia I, beginning with Tillandsias, 5.5 x 8in, soft cover, 145 pages, 80 color plates with many botanical drawings.
  • Luther, Harry E. and Edna Sieff An alphabetical list of Bromeliad binomials / compiled by Harry E. Luther and Edna Sieff. Revision 1, Orlando, Fla. : Bromeliad Society, 1991. 51 p. ; 30 cm.
  • Manzanares, José M., Jewels of the Jungle: Bromeliaceae of Ecuador Part 1. Bromelioideae, 9.1″ x 11.8″. Hard cover, dust jacket. 240 pp. Photos (341 color). 2002. Corn.Bak®B.V.-Assendelft Bromeliaceae.
  • Manzanares, José M., Jewels of the Jungle: Bromeliaceae of Ecuador Part 2. Pitcairnioidea, 9.1″ x 11.8″. Hard cover, dust jacket. 303 pp. Many color photos. 2005. Corn.Bak®B.V.-Assendelft Bromeliaceae.
  • Mee, Margaret and Maria das Graãcas Lapa Wanderley Bromâelias brasileiras / aquarelas de Margaret Mee ; texto e comentâarios por Maria das Graðcas Lapa Wanderley. Säao Paulo : Instituto de Botãanica de Säao Paulo, 1992. 159 p. : col. ill. ; 31 cm. English and Portuguese. Includes bibliographical references (p. 159). Pictorial works. Botanical illustration, Watercolor painting.
  • Oliva-Esteve, Francisco Bromeliaceae III, 9¾” x 13″. Hard cover. 274 pp. Photos 564 (color). Line drawings 18 (color and b/w). 2002, Producciones Oliva-Esteve, Venezuela. Selby Botanical Gardens Press, world distributor.
  • Oliva-Esteve, Francisco Bromeliads, 10½” x 14″ Hard cover, color dust jacket. 460 pp. Photos (980 color). 2000, Armitano Editories, C.A.
  • Oliva-Esteve, Francisco and Steyermark, Julian A. Bromeliaceae Of Venezuela, Armitano, Caracas 1987. Hardbound, 395 pages. Gorgeous photographs and descriptions of Bromeliads in habitat. Almost all in color.
  • Oliva-Esteve, Francisco Garden Plants Of The Tropics, Venezuela, Ernesto Armitano, Caracas, 1986. 430 hard bound pages, 30 pgs on broms, nice color photos throughout.
  • Padilla, Victoria A Bromeliad Glossary, BSI, 1977. Softbound dictionary of botanical terms, especially those that apply to Broms.
  • Padilla, Victoria Bromeliads In Color And Their Culture, BSI, 1966. Hardbound, 125 pages. Mostly reprints from early Journals.
  • Padilla, Victoria Bromeliads; a descriptive listing of the various genera and the species most often found in cultivation. New York, Crown Publishers, 1973. 134 p. illus. (part col.) 29 cm. A classic for its day with generous attention to lesser known genera.
  • Padilla, Victoria The Colorful Bromeliads, BSI, 1981. A coffee table book, all color, great photos accompanied by modest text.
  • Parkhurst, Ronald W., BOOK OF BROMELIADS-And Hawaiian Tropical Flowers, 216 pages, 676 photos, 9″ x 11″, hardbound, Pacific Isle Publishing Company.
  • Der Palmgarter Sonderheft Bromelien Tropische Lebenskunstler In Gefahr ; Stadt, Frankfurt Am Main, 1988. Small book in German with interesting photos of broms and selected fauna in habitat.
  • Rauh, Werner Bromeliads For Home Garden And Greenhouse, Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset, England, 1979. A great compendium of technical and cultural information. Hard bound 4431 pages photos in color and black and white.
  • Rauh, Werner The Bromeliad lexicon / Werner Rauh ; with Herbert Lehmann, Julien Marnier-Lapostolle and Richard Oeser ; edited by Peter Temple ; translated by Peter Temple and Harvey L. Kendall. 2nd ed. Published: London : Blandford ; New York : Distributed in the U.S. by Sterling Pub., c1990.
  • Richter, Walter Simmerpfanzen Von Heute Und Morgen: Bromeliaceen, Neuman Verlag, Leipzig, 1965.
  • Richter, Walter Bromeliads, BSI, 1977. Excerpts from the above in English. Includes a couple of great growing and selection charts and lists.
  • Seaborn, Bill Bromeliads, Gick Publishing, Laguna Hills, CA, 1977. Softbound, 40 pages out of print. Good color photos, a lot of the plants are immature. A neat book none the less.
  • Shimizu, Hideo & Hiroyuki Takizawa New Tillandsia Handbook, Paperback, 134 pages, 380 color photos, 180 x 260mm, Japan, 1998.
  • Shimizu, Hideo Tillandsia Handbook, Japan Cactus Planning Co. Press, probably 1992 or after. Beautiful, substantial collection of photographs.
  • Smith, Lyman B. Studies In The Bromeliaceae, I – XVII, Braun – Brumfield, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1977. Softbound, 550 pages. A compilation of Smith’s contributions to the Reed Herbarium at Harvard University 1930 – 1954.
  • Smith, Lyman B. The Bromeliads. Text by Lyman B. Smith. Paintings by Margaret Mee. South Brunswick [N.J.] A. S. Barnes [c1969] 54 p. 32 col. plates. 32 cm.
  • Smith, Lyman B. The Bromeliaceae of Colombia. Washington / 1957
  • Smith, Lyman B. Notes On Bromeliaceae, I-XXXIII Compiled and indexed by Clyde F. Reed. Reed Herbarium, 1971. Soft bound, 666 pages of herbarium studies 1953 – 1971.
  • Smith, Lyman B., and Downs, Robert Jack, Pitcairnoideae, Hafner Press, New York, 1974. Soft bound, 660 pages on the Pitcairnioid bromeliads.. Monograph No. 14 of the Flora Neotropica series.
  • ________Tillandsioideae, Hafner Press, New York, 1977. Part 2 of Monograph No. 14. Soft bound, 928 pages.
  • ________Bromelioideae, New York Botanical Garden, 1979. Soft bound 649 pages.
  • The three above are the Taxonomic Standard for the Bromeliaceae. Though incomplete and dated, they are the best single source of data on the family as a whole. Soft bound and in black and white, many maps and drawings.
  • Steckler, Valerie L., Ed. Handbook For Judges, Exhibitors And Affiliates, BSI 1982 nad 1987. [editor, Valerie L. Steckler ; illustrator, John P. Barbie, Jr.]. Austin, Tex. (40 Oak Valley Court, Austin 78736) Invaluable for those interested in cultural perfection and horticultural competition. Looseleaf 141 pages.
  • Steens, Andrew, Bromeliads for the Contemporary Garden, 10.2 x 8.6 inches, 18 pages, 290 color photos, hardcover, Timber Press (OR), 2003.
  • Tinter, Kurt and Val Tillandsias, A Growers Guide. The Bromeliad Society of New South Wales, Inc. Sydney.
  • Utley, John F. A Revision Of The Middle American Thecophylloid Vriesias (Bromeliaceae). VOL 24, NO. 1, Tulane Studies In Zoology And Botany, May 9, 1983 New Orleans.
  • Wall, Bill Bromeliads, London : Cassell for the Royal Horticultural Society ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by Sterling Pub. Co., 1988. 64 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Series: A Wisley handbook
  • Williams, Barry E. (ed) Growing Bromeliads, The Bromeliad Soc. of Australia, Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, 1988. Soft bound, good coverage, many genera, good glossary and propagation hints. 112 pages, soft bound.
  • Williams, Barry & Hodgson, Ian; Growing Bromeliads, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon 1990. Essentially a hard bound version of the above.
  • Wilson, Louis; Bromeliads For Modern Living, Merchants Publishing, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1977. Out of print, soft bound, in color, well worth having. Written by a collector who was forced into indoor growing by winters beyond comprehension to a Southern Californian.
  • Wilson, Robert G. and Catherine Bromeliads In Cultivation, Hurricane House Publishers, Cocanut Grove, FL, 1964.Hard bound, 126 pages. Only Vol. 1 of this planned 2 Vol. work was ever printed. It starts alphabetically with Abromeitiella (now Deuterocohnia) and ends with Greigia. Very worthwhile cultural information and fabulous plant profiles for selecting according to shape, color and growing needs. It is too bad Vol 2 was never published.
  • Wood, Wilbur G. International Checklist Of Bromeliad Hybrids, BSI, 1979. Getting a little dated, but a good guide to vintage Brom hybrids and their originators. Soft bound, 75 pages.
  • Zaghini, Shane Bromeliads, A Guide to the Beautiful Neoregilia. Design, reproduction and typestting by Pep Colour Ltd., Brisbane, Australia, 1994. A very substantial collection of photographs.

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