Journal Issue 71(3) available online now
By webmaster on December 24, 202100CONTENTS BSI 132 Membership rates and members seed bank. 152 Welcome new members. 168 Thank you Bromeliad Society of Greater Chicago. 184 Call for Nominations for BSI Officers. 189 Call for Nominations for BSI Directors 2022-2025 terms. 192 Events Calendar, BSI Officers Directors and Chairs. Peer Reviewed 133 Introducing the Remarkable Pitcairnia melanopoda.- Eric J. Gouda and Cees S. Gouda. 140 […] -
new Facebook group
We created a new Facebook group for all bromeliad lovers, discussing Bromeliads and posting pictures and you are invited to join this group : -
Journal Issue 71(2) available online now
Check it out here: https://www.bsi.org/members/?journals -
Monarch Butterfly (non Bromeliad related)
A Tribute To The Monarch Butterfly: How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Butterfly Sanctuary. Iconic is the most appropriate word to describe the Monarch butterfly. Most of us have fond childhood memories of the unmistakable orange and black beauty flitting around the blue sky on sunny summer days. They were everywhere — and their presence was so magnificent. […] -
New issue of the Journal: 68(2)
This Journal issue (68[2]) was available from the members section March 15, 2019 and a new issue will follow soon. Check the members section for articles of the coming Journal issue 68(3) already available for our members. -
New issue of the Journal: 68(1)
The online issue date is Novermber 26 and I hope we will be able to produce an other issue this year: 68(2). The hardcopy of issue 67(4) should be recieved by most of the members by now and this issue is at the printer and will follow soon. -
Members Only Content
The members only content App has been replaced and we want you to test it by (re)setting your password and check out if everything works fine for you. If you want to see more in this section, please let us know your wishes. You can forget or re-use your bsi.org password if you like. It is very easy to set […] -
BSI open to the public
BSI World Conference – open to the public Friday June 17th 9:00 am to 5:00 pm & Saturday June 18th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm – Westin Galleria, Houston, TX