Established in 1950


BSI Membership… A Bargain!

Eloise Beach, Tom Wolfe & Bruce Holst

Join the BSI

Being a member of the BSI is more than any one thing. Think of it as being part of an extended international family, bringing together people from all walks of life who share a common interest in this fabulous plant family. BSI membership allows you to expand your bromeliad knowledge in many directions, contact and visit collectors in distant lands, witness amazing displays of stunning hybrids and unusual species at world conferences and regional shows, and gives you the opportunity to contribute to the conservation of a fascinating and important group of plants.

In nature, bromeliads are sometimes referred to as keystone species, that is, they provide an important source of food and shelter for many of the creatures of the tropical and subtropical forest canopies. In our yards and public places, they provide a source of beauty and tropical imagery, and in our minds, they remind us of nature’s beauty and intricacy.

When you are a member of the Bromeliad Society International, you will…

  1. Receive this Journal of the Bromeliad Society, four times per year. The Journal is the flagship publication of the BSI and is intended for the amateur and professional grower as well as the bromeliad scientist and conservationist. The Journal is well illustrated in color and black and white and contains information and advice for all levels.
  2. Obtain Online Members-Only Benefits (, which include having access to:
    • FREE BSI Journal back issues. View and search Journal volumes 1-27, years 1951-1977 (more coming). This is a phenomenal way to enjoy the early years of the BSI and peruse hundreds of informative articles on bromeliads and bromeliad personalities.
    • FREE 50-year index (1951-2000). This index, painstakingly compiled by former editor Chet Blackburn, lists plants, authors, and topics, and can save many hours of research time. Non-members pay $30 plus shipping.
    • FREE BSI Directories. A current membership directory allows for seeking the contact information of bromeliad hobbyists, affiliate groups, scientists, and conservationists worldwide. Travelers will appreciate the additional listing of members by geographical region. You can also find contact information for BSI officers, directors, committee chairs, and accredited judges. This document is available in Adobe PDF format.
    • FREE: An Alphabetical List of Bromeliad Binomials. You would have to pay $12 at the BSI store for this up-to-date listing of all known species of bromeliads by renowned expert Harry Luther of the Bromeliad Identification Center. This listing is essential for newsletter editors who wish to spell names correctly and for anyone wishing to know the current thinking on bromeliad nomenclature.
    • FREE: Seed Fund Listing. The seed fund contains a listing of bromeliad seed available for sale or exchange. Enrich your collection and help support the BSI by purchasing or exchanging seed.
    • Media Programs for Affiliate societies. Visit the members only section if your local society needs a quick program.
  3. Besides the above membership perks, all members and the general public can learn much more. The BSI web site provides the following:
    • Events Calendar. Find out what is happening in your area or travel to another region to meet like-minded bromeliad folk.
    • Bromeliad Cultural Information. Want to know more about growing bromeliads? Visit this area for some expert information and download or print a useful guide.
    • Bromeliad Taxonomic Information. Bromeliad nomenclature is changing. Keep up with the latest revisions by visiting this area of the web site.
    • Bromeliad Hybrid/Cultivar Information. All visitors can search the BSI Bromeliad Cultivar Registry Online Database for information on plants, hybrids, hybridizers, as well as link to other Bromeliad Databases.
    • Images. See photos of many of your favorite bromeliads or use this area to identify that unknown plant in your collection.
    • Join BSI or Renew Memberships Online. Fast, easy, secure.
    • Online Store. Buy bromeliad books and related items via the secure online store, such as the Cultural Manual, Bromeliad Glossary, Bromeliad Cultivar Registry, and Handbook for Judges, Exhibitors, & Affiliates. Here you will also find CDs, Journal binders, BSI pins, and more.
    • Plant Sources. Find out where to get those interesting species you saw in the photographic gallery. (USA and international sources)
    • Directories. This useful section lists all BSI affiliated societies and includes contact information, meeting times and more. Find also the listing of BSI officers, directors, committee chairs, and accredited judges.
    • Talk Amongst Yourselves. Join an online discussion focusing on bromeliads, held through four different groups:
      • Bromeliads-for-beginners Yahoo Group
      • (available in seven languages)
      • The Bromeliad Taxonomists and Growers Discussion List (brom-L)
    • Competitive Show Information – Judging and BSI Awards. Look here for information about types of BSI sanctioned shows, lists of accredited judges by region, and explanations of various awards the BSI offers to recognize exhibitors’ outstanding competitive entries, breeders’ new creations, and overall contributions to the bromeliad world made by individuals.
    • BSI Bylaws. Once you are hooked on growing bromeliads, lend your talent to the organization by helping to govern the society. Download a copy of the bylaws, which provides the operating guidelines used by, and frequently consulted by, the governing body.
    • BSI History. The honorary trustees of the BSI are those people who have contributed above and beyond. See more information about them on the web site.
    • Support the BSI. Anyone can make a tax deductible donation online through the secure website to help support for example the “Harry Luther & Victoria Padilla Research, Conservation & Education fund” and meny other projects.
  4. Don’t Have a Computer or Internet Access? The BSI also supports many activities throughout the year:
    • Competitive Shows & Exhibitions featuring bromeliads. Standard shows may award the prestigious Mulford B. Foster Best of Show Horticulture Award and the Morris Henry Hobbs Best of Show Artistic Award. The BSI offers medallion show awards to affiliates for a nominal fee.
    • Mulford B. Foster Bromeliad Identification Center at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, Florida, where you can send your unidentified species for identification at a nominal cost of $5 per plant.
    • Registry of Cultivars and Hybrids maintained by the BSI provides a clearinghouse for the registration of new cultivated bromeliads.
    • World Bromeliad Conference & Auctions. The WBC is staged every two years and offers discount registration to BSI members. Auctions sponsored by the BSI have become one of the most exciting aspects of the conference as attendees try to outbid one another in an effort to secure a rare plant or item for their collection while raising thousands of dollars to support the Mulford B. Foster Bromeliad Identification Center located at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
    • Bromeliad Cultural Manuals in full color may be purchased to be used as an educational tool and for attracting new members.
    • Victoria Padilla Memorial Bromeliad Research Grant Fund promotes research and conservation of bromeliads.
    • Internationally Accredited Bromeliad Judges are trained by BSI instructors and are required to attend continuing education courses and maintain high standards for judging competitive shows.

You can download an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file containing the benefits of being a BSI member listed above by clicking the icon below. This document fits on two pages and can be printed double-sided for use as a handout.


Copyright 2025 | The Bromeliad Society International