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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (14554) 2018-07-08

ALCANTAREA ‘Goldilocks’ ? / Rob Smythe * ?

Mature, open large rosette to 1.4 metres diameter x 40cm. high. Light green , semi-glossy, pliant, outspreading, straight leaves. Erect, light red-bracted, branched spike to 1.8 metres tall with wide, either horizontal or semi-pendulous branches. Double-humped, yellow floral bracts, (3.4cm. wide x 3.5cm. long), a result from pressure from nectar, which exudes copiously in wet weather. Buttercup yellow, spiralescent petals with exserted stamens. Grown In Australia but it's exact origin is unknown. Possibly it's a natural species variant of wild-growing Alc. nahoumii. Reg. Doc. 11/2017 by Rob Smythe .
Country of origin: Australia / Brazil ?

Seed Parent: nahoumii ? Pollen Parent: '
R Smythe code # RSS0997
File: '
Alcantarea nahoumi study, 'Goldilocks', query. R Smythe.doc' not found.