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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (12535) 2014-11-01

HOHENBERGIA ‘Double Hyphen’ Wingert P 2007

Mature rosette variable with various clones--can be 25-30cms. diameter x 50-60cms. tall (closed form ) or 50-60cms. diameter x 60-70cms. tall (open form). Leaf colour varies from green tinged red to chestnut brown to dark red, small spines to larger spines, muted silver cross-banding. Erect, strongly-branched, woolly inflorescence of mustard yellow flowers. "Double Hyphen" refers to the species names used. Grex sibling = H. 'Double Hyphen Select'. Reg. Doc. 9/2014.
Country of origin: Michigan USA

Seed Parent: leopoldo-horstii Pollen Parent: correia-araujoi