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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (12157) 2023-09-21

NIDULARIUM ‘Bahia Variegated’ Skotak C / Tropiflora * circa 1995

Very large mature, open rosette to 1.2 metres diameter x 1 metre.high. Soft, arching, pliant green leaves 6cms. wide each, with central creamy yellow variegation to 4cm. wide in median or medio-picta pattern. Many layered leaves--up to 50 per rosette. Slightly raised inflorescence to 20cm.. across, of rose pink bracts and white petals. Chester Skotak in Costa Rica obtained seed from a Brazilian nurseryman labelled "Nidularium bahianum", an untraceable name. All seedlings were plain green except one variegate. This appears to be a species allied to Nid. innocentii. Reg. Doc. 4/2014 by Geoff Lawn.
Country of origin: Brazil