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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (16043) 2020-04-11

xCANBILLMEA ‘Space Force’ Jacobsson, Kent 2015

Mature, squat, upright rosette to 45cm. high x 17cm. diameter. In strong light, broad. compact brown-spined, frosty maroon leaves , greener on the topside and with turned-under tips. Erect, tightly-branched inflorescence.of clasping, rounded vermillion scape bracts, interspersed by peeping lime greenish yellow flowers which turn brown when spent.. Only the second trigeneric bromeliad cultivar ever registered. Reg. Doc. 1/2020.
Country of origin: N.S.W. Australia

Seed Parent: Canistrum 'Black Sands' Pollen Parent: x Billmea 'Rocketman'