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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (12140) 2015-06-01

xPULIRIUM ‘Quicksilver’ Lemieux R 2010

The first registered hybrid in this new bigeneric genus .Mature rosette to 1.5 metres diameter. About 40 spineless, green leaves heavily silver-scurfed, each 5cms. wide at the base x 75cms. long, tapering to a point. The erect, branched inflorescence to 1.8 metres tall has maroon scape bracts scurfed silver with light lavender flowers which do not exert very far. Reg. Doc. 3/2013 by D. Cathcart.
Country of origin: Florida USA

Seed Parent: Puya tuberosa (Baker clone) Pollen Parent: Encholirium sp. #1 (R. Schulz)
Tropiflora Nursery code # 8377.