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The Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council Building

The Berne Davis Gardens 2166 Virginia Ave Fort Myers

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New Location

Meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month except April (Birthday Party) and December (Holiday Party) at the Virginia Ave. location. The Parties are hosted at members' homes.

Our new meeting place is the Ft. Myers-Lee County Garden Council Building 2166 Virginia Ave. Fort Myers. It is north of the Edison Gardens parking lot and about 1/2 miles north of our previous meeting location-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Virginia Ave is approximately 3 miles north of the intersection of Colonial Blvd. and McGregor Blvd. and the 2nd Street north of the Edison Gardens

Doors open at 12:30PM for Meeting Setup

The Workshop begins at 1:15PM.

The Program given by various guest speakers begins about 2PM.

Following the business portion of our meeting we have a food and beverage break, Show and Tell and a Raffle. We ask members to bring finger food, plants for identification and Show and donations of plants and plant related items for the Raffle.

Usually the featured Speaker will bring plants for sale, otherwise members are allowed to sell plants. This will be announced in the bimonthly Newsletter.
