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Meeting Time/Place

The Sacramento Bromeliad & Carnivorous Plant Society will hold meetings on the 3rd Wednesday, with the exception of the months of December, January and May.

Next meeting: Wednesday, May 17, 7-9 PM

Meetings start at 7:00 pm and are held at the Shepard Garden and Arts Center located in McKinley Park at 3330 McKinley Blvd, Sacramento, Ca.
Guests and questions are welcome.

Program for May 17

Environment is Everything, A video presentation

Join Jerry Raak as he travels through Ecuador to discover how the many different environments influence the types of bromeliads that can grow in each location

Presenter: Jerry Raak

Jerry was born in Akron, raised in Tallmadge and attended OSU where he graduated with a BS degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, and he also obtained an MS degree in Computer Science from Purdue University. He worked for AT&T and Lucent Technologies for 35 years before retiring in 2001.

Jerry became interested in Bromeliads when his brother gave him a plant for Christmas one year. His interest has increased over the years and he has been the director, then president of the Bromeliad Society International for a number of years. He has made numerous collecting trips into Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Peru and has discovered several new species of Bromeliads. Tillandsia raackii and Mezobromelia raackii are named after him.

He still goes collecting, although government regulations have made it impossible to bring plants into the US, so now he is collecting seed and pictures. He is currently working with Jose Manzanares of Quito, Ecuador in translating and editing Jose's 3rd volume of his book scientifically describing and picturing all of the bromeliads found in Ecuador

Join us for an informative talk and video and participate in our usual plant table raffle featuring both carnivores and (large) bromeliads.

Please view an alternate page of this posting with additional information.

Meeting Dates for 2023

Next Meeting: May 17

May 17
Jun 21
Jul 19
Aug 16
Sep 20
Oct 18
Nov 15, last meeting of 2023

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars with the date of our 53th anniversary show and Sale:
Saturday and Sunday June 17-18 2023

Comments and inquiries may be directed to