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General Information

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Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society Mission Viejo, California USA

OUR MISSION: The Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society is an educational organization promoting the study and cultivation of bromeliads and fellowship among those who do the same hobby.

Meeting Time/Place

The Saddleback Valley Bromeliad Society meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Norman Murray Community & Senior Center 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA.

Our Next Meeting will be Thursday November 7th 2024 at 7:00 PM

FEATURED THIS MONTH: Hummingbirds and Bromeliads

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The program for the November meeting will be a PBS Nature video about hummingbirds. It is all about what hummingbirds do for plants and how they and plants co-evolved and depend on each other to exist. The cinematography is stunning and there is a great deal of information about the importance of hummingbirds to bromeliad's existence.

Hummingbirds are the primary pollinators of our bromeliads in Southern California. In their native habitat they may also be pollinated by bats, moths, or other insects, including native bees. However, our European bees seem to totally ignore bromeliad flowers. In the almost thirty years that I have been collecting bromeliads, I have only seen two bees that were interested in visiting the flowers. One was on a Dyckia flower and the other was drinking a drop of nectar at the tip of a Puya flower. The photo at right is a hummingbird visiting the top of a 30 foot-tall inflorescence of Puya raimondii, the largest species of bromeliad. It is located at 14,000 feet in the Andes mountains of Peru.

Please join us for this informative presentation and enjoy all of our other bromeliad activities such as show and tell, plant raffle, silent auction of unusual plants, and great refreshments. Please join us for this informative presentation and enjoy all of our other bromeliad activities such as show and tell, plant raffle, silent auction of unusual plants, and great refreshments.

VISITORS ARE WELCOME - come to the meeting, sign in, tell us how you found out about us and you will receive a free raffle ticket!


If members have an especially interesting plant to share they often donate an offset to our SILENT AUCTION or RAFFLE TABLE. We often have special plants for you to bid. From common and small to rare and larger plants. The funds raised help to offset the room-rental costs and club activities.


Normally we have delicious refreshments and special treats that enhance a great evening. Currently however, due to CV-19 restrictions, that is not possible. We hope that can change soon.


Buy items needed to help your plants look their best and thrive! We have pots, tags, and other special items you need.


SVBS is an educational organization promoting the study and cultivation of Bromeliads. Meetings include an educational talk, a plant raffle table, a silent auction, refreshments, a lending library, supplies for purchase, shared information, and event information. Dues are $15.00 (per single person or family per year) with email newsletter and $20 with USPS newsletter. Email Nada Chatwell for further details and to get a free copy of "Pup Talk" our highly informative newsletter.


Want to learn even more? Here is your chance. Check out a book in this well-established library. Chris Bruce is our Librarian.


Information is shared before the meeting and during the 15 minute food break, and after the meeting with many levels of bromeliad
enthusiasts discussing and sharing their experience and knowledge.


SVBS Newsletter "Pup Talk" - SVBS Website - Pup Talk Oct 2023
SVBS Website -
Instagram -
Facebook Group -

Contact Person:

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