LA BALLONA VALLEY BROMELIAD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER MAY 2008 **************************************************************** From President Emmit Willis: President's Message Did you see the May 8th HOME section of the LA Times? On page 2 is a picture of half a dozen tillandsias on an upright log, and the caption "Air plants of the '70s find new niches." Also listed is availability information, and a $590 price tag! We Bromeliad society members know several things that the times writers don't. We know that tillandsias have never lost their "trendiness." We know that our show displayed tillandsias beautifully. We know that the "Best in Show" plants of Ray VanVeen were outstanding, and that the "Best Artistic" combination of original pottery and tillandsias by Barbara West was magnificent. It is unfortunate that the LA Times published this picture on the 8th, if it had been published on the 1st, visitors to our show would have had an even greater appreciation for these beautiful plants. Thanks to all the members who participated, by bringing plants for show and for sale, and by helping with set up/break down, registration and staffing for the two days. It is a gigantic task made easier by the spirit of cooperation and the sharing of your time and energy. We are all winners for your effort. **************************************************************** 2008 LBVBS Plant Show Many thanks to the 23 members who entered 203 lovely plants and artistic displays, and to everyone who helped out at the show. Note that both of our best in show winners are first time entrants, so please don't be afraid to enter plants in next year's show! Here are the winners: Best in show -- bromeliad: Tillandsia tricolor by Ray Van Veen Best in show -- artistic: "Tropical Tree Stump" by Barbara West Sweepstakes: Don Misumi, with 35 blue ribbons A big thank you to Tony Princiotta of the Beverly Hills Cheese Shop for his assistance with the prizes. ****************************************************************** From Gary Wagnild: Gary Allen Gary Allen, age 60 of Hawthorne, California, was born June 5, 1947 and succumbed to liver cancer on April 11, 2008. He attended Leuzinger High, El Camino College and was a U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his mother, two sisters and long-time partner, Linda Ohara. His great love of photography and horticulture lured him to places near and far, including Australia, Thailand, Hawaii, Fiji, the Cook Islands and Tahiti. His extensive photo collection focused on tillandsias and other bromeliads, staghorn ferns, epidendrums and plumerias. Gary was a member and participant in many local botanical societies and widely known by other plant enthusiasts. His other eclectic interests included TV cooking and painting programs, birds, 70's era muscle cars, movie going and shooting pool with friends. He was a skilled craftsman and created intricate pool cues and art-quality canes as well. Gary was a very friendly person and loved meeting and talking to people, especially with anyone who shared his interest in plants. He will be greatly missed by all those who knew him. **************************************************************** From Denise Pidd: An Announcement About the Newsletter We are trying to expedite the sending of the Bromeliad newsletter. Would any of you who get a hard copy of the newsletter in the mail please send your e-mail address to either Denise Pidd (email address redacted) or Jean Yoshii (email address redacted) or you can call Denise at XXX-XXX-XXXX. This will really help in sending out the newsletter. Thanks in advance for your help. **************************************************************** May Meeting Meeting: Wednesday, 28 May at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Speakers: Don Misumi and Alan Levy will give a cultural demo. There will be lots of good information and advice. New members are especially welcome! Raffle: Donations for the raffle table will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Drinks: Rita Newman and Beverly Clark Food: Janet Brown, Irene Nuss, and Mary Woloschinowisch **************************************************************** Administrivia The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City. Please send any items for the newsletter to (email address redacted) Emmit Willis, President Jim Jaeger, Vice-President Don Misumi, Treasurer Gloria Grover, Membership Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (hopefully...)