LA BALLONA VALLEY BROMELIAD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER August 2008 **************************************************************** From Denise Pidd: LBVBS ANNUAL GARDEN HOP Saturday, September 20, 2008 Directions are from the Veterans Building. First stop: Home of Karyl Sisson (address redacted) 9am - 10 am (directions redacted) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Addendum from Karyl Sisson: I just want to pass on some info about my location. It's a very steep driveway up to my house. There is enough room in our motor court to hold 6 to 8 cars. We'll save those for the people who can't walk up. There is plenty of street parking and for those who can't walk up I'm sure my husband would do a shuttle service! Once up, there are 3 levels to the garden. The first has no steps at all and it's a straight walk from front to back. Beside the cactus, succulent and bromeliad areas, there is a great view looking into the ravine below us and out to Benedict Canyon. The second level involves 15 steps (one side is a gradual incline, the other is straight up the steps) and for the third, for those who are interested and want to see an amazing view looking west, there is path leading up our foothill through a "mini pine forest." There is a railing in most places but I know some people won't be able to do it. I'll have coffee, juice and muffins or the like for those who come. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Second stop: Home of Barbara West (address redacted) 10:30am - 11:30am (directions redacted) Third stop: Home of Ray Van Veen (address redacted) 11:35am - 1:35pm (directions redacted) If you have any questions about the garden hop, please call Denise Pidd at XXX-XXX-XXXX or e-mail Denise at (email address redacted) **************************************************************** From Jean Allaria: Bus Trip Saturday, October 18, 2008 8:45 -- 10:45 Bill Baker's California Gardens 11:00 -- 11:45 Richard Kaz's garden 1:00 -- 2:00 Island View Nursery 2:10 -- 3:00 Seaside Gardens 4:00 -- 4:30 Sperling's Nursery Only $16 per person -- includes driver's tip. Bring your own lunch. Club will provide soft drinks and snacks. 3 convenient pickups (be about 10-15 minutes early to allow for loading). Bus leaves each location at: 7:30 AM South Bay Galleria, Torrance: Hawthorne Blvd at Artesia Blvd (by Macy's) 8:00 AM Veteran's Memorial Building, Culver City: Overland Blvd at Culver Blvd (meet on Overland) 8:30 AM Balboa Park, San Fernando Valley: Balboa Blvd north of Burbank Blvd (by tennis courts) See or call Jean Allaria at XXX-XXX-XXXX, (address redacted) to sign up. Make checks payable to SBBA. **************************************************************** August Meeting Meeting: Wednesday, 27 August at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Speaker: Larry Farley from the South Bay Bromeliad Associates will talk about bromeliad gardens. Raffle: Please bring plants for the raffle table. Thanks! Drinks: Janet Brown & Vince Wong Food: Deionne Tarver, Vince Wong, & Mohamed **************************************************************** Administrivia The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City. Please send any items for the newsletter to (email address redacted) Emmit Willis, President Jim Jaeger, Vice-President Don Misumi, Treasurer Gloria Grover, Membership Jean Yoshii, Newsletter