LA BALLONA VALLEY BROMELIAD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER MAY 2009 **************************************************************** Meeting Meeting: Wednesday, 27 May at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Speaker: Allison Mia Starcher, illustrator and author of "Good Bugs for Your Garden", will talk about Bugs (good and bad) in the Garden. Raffle: Don Misumi Drinks: Katsu Nakagawa and Willie Tarver Food: Janet Brown, Philip Fetchko, and Jean Yoshii **************************************************************** From Don Misumi: Show Report What a GREAT show!!!! It was fantastic the way our members all pitched in to make this Show a success. Whether you clerked, worked on set up or clean up or at the greetings tables, or provided goodies to eat... it made a difference. We had 227 show entries by 20 members... what a great response!!! Steve Ball won Best of Show with his Hechtia, Don Misumi won Sweepstakes, and Sheilla Perez won Best Artistic... Congratulations!! Here are the members that made our Show made our Show such a success: George Allaria, Jean Allaria, Steve Ball, Bryan Chan, Larry Ebner, Mohammed El-Tawansy, Phil Fetchko, Barrie Fisher, Yvette Fisher, Richard Flegg, Janet Gove, Michael Gove, Gloria Grover, Tibor Halmagyi, Alan Levy, Don Misumi, Greg Nuno, Al Palacio, Sheilla Perez, Denise Pidd, Tom Rozelle, Karyl Sisson, Lloyd Smith (John Cox), Julia Sumpton, Eva Szalontai, Willie Tarver, Ray Van Veen, Gary Wagnild, Doug Woodfill, Emmit Willis, Vincent Wong, and Jean Yoshii. I hope this is a complete list... I hate to do this because I always miss someone, but I needed to recognize you. Please let me know if you contributed but were not listed here... I apologize for that. **************************************************************** From Gloria Grover, Membership Maven: Membership News As you all know, it takes a lot of people to put on the annual show. On behalf of the La Ballona Bromeliad Society I would like to extend a very BIG THANK YOU to all of you who helped out. If I neglected to name someone please let me know. Sheilla, Barbara W., and Jean Y. for clerking; Tibor, Julia, Gary, Rita, Karyl, Larry, Sheilla, Eva, and Gloria for greeting; Denise, Alan, Jean A. and Gloria for providing lunch and refreshments; Jean A. Don, George, Emmit, and Tom for helping at the Sales Table; Don for doing the bromeliad presentation; Alan, Tom, Al, Emmit, Larry, Ray, Jean, Julio, Yvette, and Barrie for helping with bromeliad questions, set-up and registration. I would also like to thank everyone who helped with the physical labor of taking everything down. Also, throughout the year, several members assist with putting on our monthly meetings. Jim J. for arranging our speakers; Don for making sure that our bills get paid, Emmit for providing the door prizes, Jean Y. for writing and sending out the newsletter and Denise P. for making sure that we have refreshments and arranging field trips and garden hops; and Jim J. and Yvette for identifying and presenting the Show and Tell table. THANK YOU!! Please extend a warm welcome our new members who signed-up at the show: Barbara Bain, Steve Ball, Mary Carroll, Maggie Fesus, Guillermo Gomez, David Gordon, Gavin Perdue, and Peggy Tyrrell. Don't forget -- new members who signed up at the Show and attend the May meeting will receive a free bromeliad at the meeting! 2009-2010 Membership rosters will be emailed and mailed soon. (Editor's note: Gloria is too modest to do so herself, so I will take this opportunity to thank her for taking care of everything related to membership. If you do not receive a roster, please verify your membership status with Gloria.) **************************************************************** From Don Misumi: Pots Order Last chance to order pots at wholesale prices! Talk to Don at the May meeting or call him at (XXX)XXX-XXXX before May 31. **************************************************************** From Denise Pidd: Bus Trip A bus trip is planned for Saturday, Aug. 22, 2009. We will be going to Bird Rock Tropicals, the home of Dan Kinard, the home of Bob Kofstein, Plant Depot, and the Tree of Life Nursery. We will discuss the price of the trip at the May meeting and details will follow in the June newsletter. **************************************************************** Administrivia The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City. Emmit Willis, President Jim Jaeger, Vice-President Don Misumi, Treasurer Gloria Grover, Membership Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter? Please email it to (email address redacted) or mail it through the post.)