LA BALLONA VALLEY BROMELIAD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER JULY 2009 **************************************************************** Meeting Meeting: Wednesday, 22 July at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the Veterans' Memorial Hall. Speaker: Jerry Robinson from Rainforest Flora will talk about "Bromeliads 101" Raffle: Rainforest Flora Drinks: Janet Brown and Alan Levy Food: Lizbeth Espinoza, Sheilla Perez, and Willie Tarver **************************************************************** From Don Misumi Pots If you ordered pots from Don, please pick them up at the July meeting. **************************************************************** From Denise Pidd: Bus Trip The bus trip will be Saturday, 22 August 2009. The cost is $20, which includes a tip for the driver. We will be going to: * Bird Rock Tropicals * home of Robert Kopfstein * home of Robert Kinnard * Plant Depot (in Capistrano) * Kartuz Nurseries There will be two pick-up locations: * Culver City: at Overland, in front of the Senior Center (just south of the Veterans Memorial Building), at 7:30 am * South Bay: in front of the Macy's in the South Bay Galleria, 1801 Hawthorne Boulevard, Redondo Beach, at 8:00 am Bring your lunch and drinks, and please be on time. At the moment, we have 40 people signed up for the trip. Denise will know at the July meeting how many more folks we can fit in the bus, so if you have not already signed up and are interested in going, please be ready to pay at the meeting in the event we have room for more. Any questions? Ring Denise Pidd at (XXX)XXX-XXXX or email (redacted) **************************************************************** Upcoming Plant Shows The Westchester Begonia Society presents The 50th Annual Begonia Show and Plant Sale Westchester's golden anniversary dedicated to the memory of Ruth Illions Pease Covenant Presbyterian Church 6323 W. 80th Street northwest corner of Sepulveda & 80th Street Westchester, CA Saturday, 18 July 2009 9:00 am -- 5:00 pm Free admission Ample parking Judged show featuring gigantic sale of begonias, Gennie's jewels, Yvette Fisher's Tillandias, and more. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bromeliad Show and Sale presented by The South Bay Bromeliad Associates Free admission Free parking Sales from members' private collections and commercial vendors Saturday & Sunday 1 & 2 August, 2009 at Rain Forest Flora Inc. 19121 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 Show hours: Saturday noon -- 4:30 Sunday 10:00 -- 4:30 Sales hours: Saturday 10:00 -- 4:30 Sunday 10:00 -- 4:30 **************************************************************** Administrivia The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans' Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City. Emmit Willis, President Jim Jaeger, Vice-President Don Misumi, Treasurer Gloria Grover, Membership Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter? Please email it to (email address redacted) or mail it through the post.)