LA BALLONA VALLEY BROMELIAD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2010 **************************************************************** Meeting Happy New Year! Meeting: Wednesday, 27 January at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Speaker: Paul Isley of Rainforest Flora will talk about Tillandsias and his new book, Tillandsia II. (Copies will be available for purchase and autographs.) Raffle: Paul Isley will supply the plant table. Drinks: Don Misumi and Tom Rozelle Food: Jan Golden, Alan Levy, and Jerry Sternberg **************************************************************** From Gloria Grover: Membership News Yearly membership dues of $5 are due. I will be collecting dues at the next meeting. Also for your convenience, you can mail a check (please make it out to LBVBS) to me at: Gloria Grover, (address redacted). Thank you. **************************************************************** Administrivia The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans' Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City. Emmit Willis, President Jim Jaeger, Vice-President Don Misumi, Treasurer Gloria Grover, Membership Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter? Please email it to (email address redacted) or mail it through the post.)