FEBRUARY 2010



Meeting: Wednesday, 24 February at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the
Veterans Memorial Hall.

Speaker: LBVBS member Bryan Chan will present bromeliad slides,
including some from South Bay Bromeliad Associates shows.

Raffle:  Alan Levy will supply the plant table.

Drinks:  Shelia Perez and Vince Wong

Food:  Don Misumi, Deionne Tarver, and Jean Yoshii


From Gloria Grover:

                          Membership News

At the January 2010 meeting, members decided to raise the membership
dues to $10.  If you have not paid, please mail your dues to:

    Gloria Grover
    (address redacted)

I will also be collecting dues at the February meeting.  Please make
checks out to LBVBS. 


                    LBVBS annual show and sale

Don't forget to mark your calendars!  The LBVBS show and sale is
coming up on Saturday and Sunday, 01 and 02 May.  Everyone is
encouraged to enter plants and help out at the show.

Have questions about how to prepare your plants for the show?  Be sure
not to miss the March meeting, where experts including our own Alan
Levy and Don Misumi will give a demonstration and share tips on how to
make your plants look their best.  Remember, we need at least 200 --
300 plants to make the show look good, so don't be shy about entering

By the way: we might still need a Show Chair.  Alan, Don, and other
members are taking care of a lot of the work, so being the Chair is
not a huge commitment of time or effort.  Interested?  Please see Don.


From Don Misumi:

                             Plant Sale

The South Bay Bromeliad Associates will have their spring sale on March
20--21 at Rainforest Flora.

Editor's note:  Rainforest Flora is located at 19121 Hawthorne Blvd. in
Torrance, (310)370-8044.  


            Harry Luther leaves Selby Botanical Gardens

Harry Luther, a bromeliad expert and identification guru at the Selby
Botanical Gardens, has left to join Gardens By the Bay in Singapore.
Don Misumi forwarded me this article from the Sarasota (Florida)
Herald-Tribune (Word document is attached), which can also be found
online at



The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of
each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans'
Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City.

Emmit Willis, President
Jim Jaeger, Vice-President
Don Misumi, Treasurer
Gloria Grover, Membership
Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter?  Please
  email it to (email address redacted) or mail it through the post.)