MARCH 2010



Meeting: Wednesday, 24 March at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the
Veterans Memorial Hall.

Speaker: LBVBS members Alan Levy and Don Misumi will present their
"Two to get ready and four to go... for the Show that is"
demonstration on getting plants ready for our Show, featuring many
tips and methods for shaping up our plants.

Raffle: Don Misumi will supply the plant table with orchids and

Drinks:  Yvette Fisher and Karyl Sisson

Food:  Yvette Fisher, Karyl Sisson, and Vince Wong


                          Membership News

If you have not yet paid your dues for 2010, please mail the $10 to
Gloria Grover at (address redacted) (make checks out to LBVBS) or see
Gloria at our meetings. 


From Don Misumi:

                             Plant Sale

The South Bay Bromeliad Associates will have their spring sale on March
20--21 at Rainforest Flora.

Editor's note:  Rainforest Flora is located at 19121 Hawthorne Blvd. in
Torrance, (310)370-8044.  


Summary of information from Denise Pidd (flyers will be available at
the meeting):

                  South Bay Begonia Branch Bus Trip

Date:  Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cost: $25 (includes entrance fee to Botanic Garden and bus driver
tip).  Please send a check made out to SBBB (South Bay Begonia Branch)
to Denise Pidd, 1500 Laurel Ave., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.

Departure point: Dana Middle School, 5504 W. 135th Street, Hawthorne,
CA 90250.  The bus will leave promptly at 8 a.m.  Park in the school
parking lot.


1) Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont: featuring wildflowers
and California natives

2) California Cactus Center, Pasadena: cactus, succulents, some
bromeliads, statuary, and pottery

3) Nuccio's Nursery, Altadena: camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons, and

Other info: Bring your lunch and drinks, and a box for your purchases;
wear comfortable shoes.  40 seats must be sold by March 20, 2010 --
tell your friends!

Please call Denise at XXX-XXX-XXXX or email (email address redacted)
if you have any questions.



The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of
each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans'
Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City.

Emmit Willis, President
Jim Jaeger, Vice-President
Don Misumi, Treasurer
Gloria Grover, Membership
Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter?  Please
  email it to (email address redacted) or mail it through the post.)