APRIL 2010



Meeting: Wednesday, 28 April at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the
Veterans Memorial Hall.

Speaker: Guy Wrinkle will present "Photographic Travels to Mexico",
focusing on Jalisco and Guerrero.

Raffle: Guy Wrinkle will supply the plant table.

Drinks:  Richard Fleg and Ina ?

Food:  Nels Christianson, Richard Fleg, and Sheilla Perez


                         Membership News

If you have not yet paid your dues for 2010, please mail the $10 to
Gloria Grover at (address redacted) (make checks out to LBVBS) or see
Gloria at our meetings. 


From Alan Levy:

                       LBVBS Show and Sale

Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  The show is less than two weeks away!  We hope
everyone will participate.

Set up is on Friday, April 30th, from 4:30 to 8:30, and the show is
May 1 and 2.

Want to take part?  You can:

1) Help set up the show.  Starting about 4:30 on Friday, we will need
help to cover the tables, fix up the room, and set up displays.

2) Bring plants in for display.  To make an impressive presentation,
we need at least 250 nicely grown plants.  Entries do not have to be
perfect or in bloom, but they must be clean, nicely trimmed, and in
good pots.  Enter as many as you can, including the artistic category
-- trust me, you'll enjoy the participation.  The success of the show
depends on tables full of plants.  Most people coming to the show want
to see a variety of pretty and interesting plants.  We all have some,
so please help the club and help the show by entering plants.  We will
help with names and forms.  Bring plants in on Friday from 4:30 till
8:30 or Saturday before 8:00 am.  Don't forget to drain off any water
in the plants!

3) Bring plants in to sell.  Free up space, thin out your collection,
and earn extra cash to support your horticultural interests!
Bromeliads are preferred but other plants are welcome.  Sale plants
can be brought in any time on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and must
have two tags.  Each tag should have the plant name, price, and your
sales number.  Call Alan Levy at (XXX)XXX-XXXX if you need a sale
number.  The seller receives 70% of the plant's sale price.  Plants
donated to the club do not need tags.  Please bring all plants in dry.

4) Sign up to help for a few hours during the show (or just show up
and help out).  The sales area will open at 10:00 on Saturday and
Sunday.  People are especially needed at the reception tables to greet
guests and check receipts.  We also need people walking around the
show, answering questions and helping people make selections at the
sales tables.  Please wear your name badge.  We also need grocery
bags, boxes, flats, etc. for customers to carry out their purchases.

5) Help clean up after the show.  We close at 4:00 on Sunday.  If you
can stay for a bit after picking up your show plants, we will
certainly need help in removing table covers and taking down displays.
With everyone helping, the clean up goes very quickly.

Judging starts at 8:00 am Saturday.  The club provides lunch on
Saturday and Sunday; if you want to bring a salad or dessert or
snacks, they will be greatly appreciated.

Attend and participate -- I guarantee you will have a good time.

Any questions about the show?  Please call Alan, (XXX)XXX-XXXX or Don,

Thank you,

Alan Levy



The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of
each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans'
Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City.

Emmit Willis, President
Jim Jaeger, Vice-President
Don Misumi, Treasurer
Gloria Grover, Membership
Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter?  Please
  email it to (email address redacted) or mail it through the post.)