MAY 2010



Meeting: Wednesday, 26 May at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the
Veterans Memorial Hall.

Speaker: Bob Kopfstein will present "Yellow Roads: In Search of
Hechtia argentea"

Drinks:  Alan Levy and Katsu Nakagawa

Food:  Jan Brown, Philip Fetchko, and Jim Jaeger


From Don Misumi:

                            Show Report

Great Show!!!!  We had a fantastic Show....because of all of your
participation.  I will list all the participants that I can at the end
of this note.  Our society owes a great deal of gratitude to them.  We
had 19 members enter 184 entries for the Show.  The artistic tree
branch with well placed Neogelia compactas won Best Artistic for Phil
Fletchko.  Wasn't Sheilla Perez's Neoregelia hat unique... what a lot
of work.  Steve Ball won Best of Show with his Dyckia "Bill Palen".
Don Misumi won sweepstakes.
Listed below are all of the members that took place in the Show and
Sale.  Please let me know if I missed you...we appreciate every one of
you.  Thanks to Gloria Grover and Denise Pidd for serving delicious
lunches... to Gary Wagnild who sat for two days at the welcome
table... to Emmit Willis for being Registrar... to Gary Wagnild for
all the plant sale donations. Thanks to all participants: Janet Brown,
Sheilla Perez, Jean Yoshii, Bonnie Darling, George Allaria, Jean
Allaria, Karyl Sisson, Gary Wagnild, Phil Fetchko, Gloria Grover,
Denise Pidd, Eva Szalontai, Nels Christianson, Larry Ebner, George
Senge, Guy Wrinkle, Tony Princiotta, Al Palacio, Jordon and Alisa
Bellew, Richard Fleg, Ray Van Veen, Steve Ball, Matthew and Jessie
Fraggi, Bryan Chan, JIll Marti, Jim Jaeger, Alan Levy and Don Misumi.
I will give a financial report at the May meeting.
Thanks to all... 

Don Misumi



The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of
each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans'
Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City.

Emmit Willis, President
Jim Jaeger, Vice-President
Don Misumi, Treasurer
Gloria Grover, Membership
Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter?  Please
  email it to or mail it through the post.)