JUNE 2010



Meeting: Wednesday, 23 June at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the
Veterans Memorial Hall.

Speaker: Frank McDonough of the Los Angeles County Arboretum will
present "Rare Plants of the Tepuis in Southern Venezuela".

Drinks:  Jan Brown and Gloria Grover

Food:  Katsu Nakagawa, Peggy Oberg, and Anna Pisano


Editor's note

                          LBVBS Online

The LBVBS is online!

1) LBVBS rides the social networking wave: Sheilla Perez has set up a
Facebook page for us.  Thanks, Sheilla!  This URL should work, but if
not, you can search Facebook.

You can see some of the photos which have been posted so far without
logging in, but to see all of the photos and news updates, you will
need to set up a Facebook account (free, but do be aware that online
privacy issues have been reported recently).

2) Surf on over: The LBVBS now has a webpage which is listed on
the Bromeliad Society International's list of affiliate society
webpages, or to go there directly:

(Note:  There is a link to the Facebook page in the "Links" section.)

Come and check us out!  If you have suggestions, comments, and/or
stuff to add to our webpages, please let Sheilla or me know.




The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of
each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans'
Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City.

Emmit Willis, President
Jim Jaeger, Vice-President
Don Misumi, Treasurer
Gloria Grover, Membership
Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter?  Please
  email it to or mail it through the post.)