LA BALLONA VALLEY BROMELIAD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2010 **************************************************************** Meeting Meeting: Wednesday, 25 August at 7:30 pm in the Rotunda Room at the Veterans Memorial Hall. Speaker: Christy Brenner, professor of Geography at Saddleback Community College, will present "Bromeliad Travels in Northern Peru" Raffle table: Please donate plants for the raffle table. Thanks! Drinks: Al Palacio and Jean Yoshii Food: Phil Fetchko, Willie Tarver, and Gary Wagnild **************************************************************** From Don Misumi: Report: World Bromeliad Conference The WBC conference in New Orleans was quite an event. The seminars were excellent, including one by our speaker this month, Christy Brenner... you'll really enjoy her presentation. The show was nice, with lots of different plants than we normally see in So Cal. Jackie Johnson won the Best Artistic prize with an awesome piece. (Ted was also there.) Some other So Cal people attending were George and Jean Allaria, Ray van Veen, Jerry Robinson, Paul Isley, Dutch Vandervort (presently from Mexico), Rob Thompson, Bob Kofstein, and Dan Kennard. The tours were nice, although very hot. I went to visit two homes on the home tour, plantation tour and swamp tour... all fun. Also, some great food including beignets at Cafe du Monde and a stroll down Bourbon Street. The plant sales were crazy... everyone buying hundreds of dollars of broms... great fun. It was a madhouse on the opening day. I'm sorry to say that I missed the Banquet and the rare plant auction. I heard they raised over $11,000 at the auction and the last brom went for $1200. It was literally a hot time in the Big Easy... the temperature on Sunday was 101. You should plan to go to the next one in 2012 (venue to be announced). **************************************************************** From Denise Pidd: LBVBS Annual Garden Hop 2010 The annual Garden Hop will be on Saturday, October 2, 2010. This year, we will be going to 3 homes and finishing with a pot luck barbecue at the last home. The club will provide chicken, drinks, and paper goods. Please bring a dish to share. Any questions? Call or email Denise Pidd, 310-545-9806 or These directions start from the Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland Ave., Culver City, our meeting place. 1. 9:30am - 10:30am Home of Jerry Sternberg (address redacted) (directions redacted) 2. 10:50am - 11:50am Home of Phill Fetchko (address redacted) (directions redacted) 3. 12.00pm - 2:00pm Home of Al Palacio (address redacted) (directions redacted) **************************************************************** Upcoming bromeliad events 1) Bus Trip The South Bay Bromeliad Associates (SBBA) have organized this year's bus trip, which will be on Saturday, 30 October, 2010. Please see the attached flyer (.pdf file) for details.Revised bus trip flyer
2) From Paul Isley re: SBBA Show and Sale, Rainforest Flora work day Hi All, The South Bay Bromeliad Associates and Rainforest Flora, Inc. will hold their annual Show and Sale at Rainforest Flora in Torrance on August 28 -- 29 and Rainforest Flora will have its usual fantastic display along with some great new plants added to the Botanical Garden. Please join us for this show and sale. A flyer about the show is enclosed for your information or to share with your friends who are interested. (See attached .pdf file -- ed.)SBBA show flyer
Also, RFI is having a special work day here at the nursery this Saturday starting at 9:00 AM and if you're free and want to have a great time with like minded growers, learn a lot about the plants, and have a scrumptious El Pollo Loco lunch, c'mon down. Bring scissors and a pair of gloves if you can. (If you can let me know by return Email if you can make it, that would be helpful).
Note: The work day took place on 21 August, 2010.
Tell your friends and we'll see you here! All the Best, Paul T. Isley III President Rainforest Flora, Inc. (310) 370-8044 (310) 370-8044 Fax **************************************************************** Administrivia The La Ballona Valley Bromeliad Society meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, January through October, in the Rotunda Room at Veterans' Memorial Hall, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City. Emmit Willis, President Jim Jaeger, Vice-President Don Misumi, Treasurer Gloria Grover, Membership Jean Yoshii, Newsletter (Have an item for the newsletter? Please email it to or mail it through the post.)