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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (13081) 2015-09-29

HOHENBERGIA ‘Ferivest’ ? / Tristram P* circa 2005

Mature rosette to 50cms. diameter. In strong light, glossy, bronzed brown / green/ puce purple arching leaves. Erect spike to 80cms.. high with shell pink-bracted, short-stemmed clusters on the scurfed brown-stemmed inflorescence. Michael Ferenczi's Sydney collection had a H. vestita in seed, which Peter Tristram germinated and grew--a variable grex resulted. H. 'Ferivest' may have H. stellata as pollen parent. Reg. Doc. 9/2015.
Country of origin: N.S.W. Australia

Seed Parent: vestita Pollen Parent: ?