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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

<PUYA (5)

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (7970) 2022-12-13

PUYA ‘Doris Coleman’ Flower, Andrew. 1974

Dense rosette of 1 m olive green long-tapered leaves with shiny upper surface and dense white scurfing on undersides and with dark brown-black tips- compound inflorescence with 1.5 m rachis on 80 cm scape - 40 flower spikes with 40 flowers each with teal-blue petals and wine-red sepals - in bloom for 10 weeks. Reg. Doc. 1991.
Country of origin: New Zealand

Seed Parent: alpestris Pollen Parent: spathacea
References: JBS 41:164,166ill; 44:29, 219