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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (9502) --

xNEOTANTHUS ‘Mirage’ Elmore, J. (#2006) 1979

cv. of Neoregelia 'Star of Brazil' X Cryptanthus zonatus v. zebrinus - (Other cvs. = 'Beyond the Horizon', 'Elusive', 'Mists of Time' & 'Return to Forever' - Medium rosette with cupped tapering stiff leaves in light green overlaid with red and with red tips - Bright red-pink center at anthesis.

Seed Parent: Neoregelia 'Star of Brazil' Pollen Parent: Cryptanthus zonatus v. zebrinus
ElmoreList1983, JBS 33:141ill; 158,(Return to Forever)