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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (10369) 2011-02-01


XRacindsia G. Lawn, J Brom Soc. 59(3):116-121. 2009 Parent genera: Racinaea M A Spencer & L B Smith, Phytologia 74(2): 151-160. 1993 and Tillandsia L., Sp. p1.: 286.1753. These notes compiled by D. Butcher 12/2010. In February, 2009 a nothogenus, X Racindsia ( Racinaea x Tillandsia), was recorded in the Bromeliad Cultivar Registry under ICBN rules (Vienna Code 2006) . Hybridist Hiroyuki Takizawa of Tokyo, Japan coined this combination name. The registered cultivar is X Racindsia 'La Mano Magica,' bred in 2001. Seed parent: Tillandsia dyeriana Andre. Refs: Enum. Bromel. 8. 13 Dec. 1888; Revue Hort. 60: 568. 16 Dec. 1888. Pollen parent: Racinaea crispa (Baker) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Smith. Phytologia 74 (2); 151-160. 1993.