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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (10370) 2011-02-01


XUrsumea D Butcher, J Brom. Soc. 55(2): 56. 2005 Parent genera: Aechmea Ruiz and Pav., Fl. peruv. prodr.:47. Oct. 1794 and Ursulaea R.W. Read & H.U. Baensch, J. Bromeliad Soc. 44(5): 205-211. 1994. In August 1996 Jim Irvin of Florida crossed Aechmea fendleri with the pollen from Ursulaea tuitensis and obtained a hybrid with both traits. It is called xUrsumea 'Ma Williams'. Both names were coined by Jim Irvin. These notes compiled by D. Butcher 12/2010.